Who We Are
We have worked since 2006 to develop a network of multiple use recreation trails in and around the City of Norwich.
Our members and board have volunteered their time and effort not only in creating and maintaining the trails, but also advocating for and promoting public access to the trails and open spaces along the Chenango River and the greater Norwich area.

Our Mission
Conserve and enhance public access to trails and green space in Chenango County
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has”
— Margaret Mead
What We’ve Achieved
Featured in June 2009 NYS Conservationist magazine article as one a handful of successful local efforts to create recreational trails in communities Click here for the Conservationist Article
Our team of volunteers have constructed and maintained 8 miles of trail along the Chenango River through the City of Norwich
Past recipient of a New York State Recreational Trails grant
2010 recipient of a Kodak American Greenways Grant to sponsor a regional trails conference focusing on the creation of the Chenango Canal Heritage Trail
Organizational sponsor of Greenway Park, in the City of Norwich, for which our team secured funding and supported the installation of a new play structure
2010 recipient of an Obesity Prevention Grant through the Chenango County Department of Public Health